
Just in Mind Consulting Services

Just in Mind Consulting has a team comprised of experienced professionals that can provide advice to your organization’s to meet project management, finance, supply chain, procurement and contracting requirements. Our team provides executive level services in project management, supply chain assessment, spend analysis, category management, strategic sourcing, contract negotiation, performance metrics, and financial analysis. Please contact us with your requirements and our skilled consultants will be pleased to assist you.

Category Management

Our experienced professional consultants can assess your purchasing process and commodity requirements by providing strategic financial analysis to identify procurement opportunities. We can support Category Management program implementation and transform your supply chain organization.

Strategic Sourcing

Our team has significant strengths in supplier selection and contract negotiations. Let us assist you in developing strategic supply partnerships and negotiate agreements that create value for your supply chain.

SCM Governance

Our team has experience in writing content for SCM policies and in requisition to pay (R2P), source to pay (P2P) and procurement to Pay (P2P) procedures. We also have experience in Program Management of functional improvement programs related to enhancing the effectiveness of your Supply Chain organization including Capability Development assessment programs, training recruitment and management training programs.

Project Management

Our team has experience as Project Managers or being member of Project Teams. This experience includes working with employer’s Project Management Offices (PMO) to ensure cross discipline procedures and templates are reviewed for role alignment and duplication of activities eliminated. As Project Managers, our experience is in leading programs or specific projects that enhance a department functions and its personnel from project charter development through all phases to close out, turnover of deliverables and sustainment planning.

Talent Supply

Our focus is to assist in identifying your organizational supply chain talent requirements needs and to support your organization in building a strong supply chain team. We have access to a network of resources enabling us to introduce junior to executive level leaders in supply chain management.

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